Bellemint Account Deletion

How do I delete my BELLEMINT account?

We hate to see you leave! If you are certain you wish to do so, you have two options for deleting your account.

Within the game, go to your profile page by tapping the person icon on the far right. You can then navigate to your settings by clicking the BELLEMINT gem icon to the right of your profile photo. Select “Delete account”. This will launch a pop-up asking you to confirm you want to delete your account. You will be asked to type in the word “Delete” to confirm you want to delete your account. Please remember that this action is irreversible and you will not be able to access your account after you complete this action.

Alternatively, you can also email our customer support team at [email protected] and they can help you delete your account.

What if I delete my account by accident?

Unfortunately account deletion is irreversible and your account cannot be recovered once deleted. Please think carefully before deleting your account.

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